Monthly Archives: August 2014

New update of “The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees”

pic-of-grpdesbf-homepageI’m proud to announce an update with a new series of stages of my coast-to-coast GRPdesBF-trail: the 18 stages from bm262 to 410 have been worked out in full detail.

And there are more additions: check the update-log.

Bm196 raised from the grave!

Yesterday – on 12 august 2014 – the 40 year buried bm196 has been raised from it’s grave. Pictures were sent to me by Captain José Luis Sánchez Tello of the Spanish Instituto Geográfico Nacional for which I’m very grateful. Read more about bm196 on this page.


The operation took about 3 hours to complete when we examine the picture’s data.

As you can see, the bm has been lifted half-way to appear again for every passer-by and to honour it’s significance as a cultural-historical monument as all bordermarkers are.

We thank the two delimitation delegations of Navarre and the Pyrénées Atlantiques for doing this. They have been a successful couple on more bm-restauration tasks. In this case I know that they have been reminded by bm-expert Javier Martínez Ruiz of the sad situation of bm196.

And perhaps I may suggest three other nice jobs on their common borderline: the bm236, bm255 and bm271bis