Monthly Archives: January 2015

Vandalised bordermarker to be repaired

I was happy to hear from Jean-Paul Laborie – delegate of the Pyrenean bordercommission – that the sadly destroyed submarkers 409-7fr will be replaced or repaired. The beautiful ceramic plates will be remade by the same company of 45 years ago.

It’s one of the 2×7 submarkers between bm409 and 410 placed along the Garonne riversides and intended to mark precisely the borderline when the barrage-lake flooded the Garonne-banks around 1970. More information and pictures on this webpage

This is part of a maintenance operation at Pont du Roi where one of the unnumbered markers on the new bridge was repaired. You can read about that in this newspaper-article in which that unnumbered marker is wrongly called bm410. I liked the testimony of Laborie on the significance of maintenance of the bordermarkers: because they are our heritage!