“La bornite”: an infectious disease

I stumbled on a website made by Michel Molia who – with some friends – wants to discover the bordermarkers between France and Spain. He describes wittily in the prologue their interest as an infectious disease and he proposes the name “la bornite”. He himself has become a severe case.

Their homebase is Bayonne and so far they have covered a lot of the 720 bordermarkers – including bm602! – but most of them in the western half. They started in 2013. What strikes me is that they seem to have started from scratch, ignorant of the available information (on the internet). There’s hardly any reference to any sources or using waypoints from others or whatsoever . The website seems in the first place a cheerful account of a friendship’s-project meant for the friends themselves. And I like that, that’s how I started many, many years ago with my own friends along the dutch-belgian border. (see this webpage).

One thought on ““La bornite”: an infectious disease

  1. david mannix

    Haha…I can relate. I suffered in shame for many years, thinking I was the only one with this perverse impulse, supposing that society would shun me. I finally discovered that I was not alone in my “borderitis.” Someday there will be a cure, but until that day, I am grateful for support groups such as this.


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