New update of my main website:

I’m pleased to announce a new update of my website on the bordermarkers of the Pyrenees. See for the update details: Gradually I am approaching the end of my project to visit en document all esfr-bordermarkers. And to design a coast-to-coast hiking trail that connects the bordermarkers: the GRPdesBF. I have visited almost every […]

Bordermarker-bashing in the Basque Country: 3 new cases

The esfr-bordermarkers in the Basque country are not safe. Recently the markers 76 and 100 have disappeared and no. 101 has been broken off: For Basque nationalists, the esfr-border should be non-existent, cutting in half a region that should be an independent whole. There is an iconic picture of the ‘execution’ of bm098 in which […]

New update GRPdesBF-site

Pleased to announce a new update of my main site, covering the 11 day trips I did in September 2021. See for the details this page. A lot of information and pictures, it might be a bit too much. If I may suggest two picks: – 6 September: my longest day trip ever in terms […]

Count your bordermarkers in Excel

In the previous post, I introduced Sébastien Marc and his cousin Jérôme Loubière, the new kids on the block. Sébastien surprised me a bit later with an excel-sheet of how he keeps track of the bordermarkers he has covered so far. Hereunder a picture of his sheet: (You can download this sheet (his current status) […]

Sébastien and Jérôme: two cousins, two ‘ramborneurs’

I used to receive once in a while pictures of esfr-bordermarkers of Sébastian Marc and I wondered who he was and if he aimed at ‘doing’ all the esfr-bordermarkers. To my surprise, he happened to be not a retired sexagenarian or septuagenarian but a young and athletic man with a passion to find and photograph […]

Champagne at the border: Corinne’s final bordermarker

Saturday 11 September 2021: a very special day for Corinne Gourgeonnet. After 6 years, she completed her quest to find and photograph each and every bordermarker along the French-Spanish border. The last one to do was well chosen: bm311 at Col de Sobe. A touristic train brought her to Lac d’Artouste which left 2 hours […]

New update GRPdesBF-site

Pleased to announce a new update of my main site, covering the 8 day trips I did in June this year. See for the details this page. A lot of information and pictures,  might be a bit too much for some of you. If so, I suggest these two picks: – 12 june 2021: together […]

Daredevil Jean-Marc climbs to bm436

The bordercross 436 is a remarkable one: it is almost invisible, engraved high above the ground on this fierce rock. Without paint or chalk, it’s very hard to distinguish cross and number on the rockface. You have to know where to look. I was very lucky in 2010 that cross and number were painted black at […]

The Bis of 330bis painted

A recent discovery of Corinne Gourgeonnet: besides the bordercross of 330(-bis) a large ‘Bis’ has been painted in recent years. A ‘Bis’ because there are 2 crosses 330: – one at its original location ± 4km west of this one on another border pass (engraved in the 19th century) – and this one at Port […]

Another fire on the border

In February 2021, Javier Martinez Ruiz reported a devastating fire on the borderline near the Atlantic Ocean (see this post: The Basque-border on fire). The same situation occurred on the 31st of July on the very other side of the border: at the Mediterranean coast, live witnessed by Corinne Gourgeonnet: Not long after, she went – […]