Tag Archives: Updates GRPdesBF-website

New update of my main website: www.grpdesbf.nl

I’m pleased to announce a new update of my website on the bordermarkers of the Pyrenees.
See for the update details: http://www.grpdesbf.nl/esfr-html-miscellania-updatelog.html

Gradually I am approaching the end of my project to visit en document all esfr-bordermarkers. And to design a coast-to-coast hiking trail that connects the bordermarkers: the GRPdesBF.

I have visited almost every bordermarker at least twice while checking access & progress routes. For September a few markers remain for a second visit, the winter is for finally writing my walking guide.

Will that be a farewell to the Pyrenees? Not at all. There will always be a reason – at least for old times’ sake – to travel to these cherished mountains and their bordermarkers.

New update GRPdesBF-site

Pleased to announce a new update of my main site, covering the 11 day trips I did in September 2021. See for the details this page.

A lot of information and pictures, it might be a bit too much. If I may suggest two picks:

– 6 September: my longest day trip ever in terms of time (13 hours)

– 11 September: Corinne Gourgeonnet visiting her very last bordermarker, no. 311

New update GRPdesBF-site

Pleased to announce a new update of my main site, covering the 8 day trips I did in June this year. See for the details this page.

A lot of information and pictures,  might be a bit too much for some of you. If so, I suggest these two picks:
12 june 2021: together with Carlos and Conchita Roca climbing to bm407 and back

18 june 2021: one of my longest border-hikes ever.

New update GRPdesBF-website

It’s been about a year ago for the last update but I’m glad to announce a new update of my main website www.grpdesbf.nl

See for the update-details the update-log

New update GRPdesBF-website

I’m glad to announce an update of my main website www.grpdesbf.nl.

Main subject: the discovery of the lost submarkers 408 III and IV and the newly established borderline (2015) between bm408 and 409.

See for the update-details the update-log.

New update GRPdesBF-website

I’m glad to announce a new update of my website.



What’s new (main changes):

– added the 15 daytrips from july/december 2017. Start on this page
– special 1: final (?) search with Charles Darrieu, Michel Molia and Henny Claassen for the 408-submarkers 408 III and IV
– special 2: visiting Marco Noris’ exibition in La Jonquera
– special 3: the addition by Corinne Gourgeonnet of several unnumbered intermediate markers not yet reported in the 001-059 range: start at this page and browse them.
– made entries on the ‘sources-in-person’-page for Corinne Gourgeonnet and Michel Molia

New website on the esfr-bordermarkers

I was happy to learn about a new website. Carlos and his wife Conchita informed me that they have recently started their own ‘quest’ for the esfr-bordermarkers. The starting webpage is here (and for the Llivia-bordermarkers this page). Apparently they live in the Cerdagne because their harvest so far is bm444 to 506.

Each day-account is detailed and contains large pictures (with often Conchita standing besides, I think Carlos likes her). There are also embedded maps (I’m jealous about that feature) and elevation charts and a link to their Flickr-albums.


New update of “The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees”

pic-of-grpdesbf-homepageI’m proud to announce an update: again several more grpdesbf-stages (now from bm091 to 212) have been worked out in full detail, providing the maps and directions you need to walk the GRPdesBF.