Here comes Jean-Paul again

Jean-Paul Laborie is one of the border-commissioners of the Pyrenees. As such he doesn’t quite seek shelter in the shadow. Frequently he appears in newspapers or on tv. His latest appearance is in a short documentary on “Les bornes frontières entre la France et l’Espagne” telling about the bordermarkers (this is bm152) and the peculiar ‘Pays Quint’:  Spanish territory inhabited by French farmers. One thing is puzzling: at some point (at 2.05′) he seems to state that the border between two bordermarkers is a straight line which is untrue.

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The Pays Quint is also a small subject in a longer documentary on “Les 100 lieux qu’il faut voir – Pays Basque” on France 5. In five minutes (from 30′ to 35′) bm139 is shown and the Pays Quint explained.


One thought on “Here comes Jean-Paul again

  1. Javier

    C’est drôle d’entendre dire que le Pays Quint est un enclave espagnol en territoire français


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