The current ‘competitors’ on the ESFR-border

Well, it’s of course no competition but the drive to find all esfr-bordermarkers is something most of us share. A list of those who did them all, can be found on this webpage. Some have their own list of bordermarkers but the one I use is explained on this page and a excel-checklist to use […]

The Bidaubus-dispute : an update

What is the Bidaubus-dispute? We are talking about the esfr-borderline between bm407 and 409, not far from Bagnères-de-Luchon. The dispute has been described in full detail on earlier webpages and blogposts. A starting point could be this post from 2018 and this video: The different views on the borderline between bm407 and 409 : a […]

Didier Roux almost completed all bordermarkers

I came across this newspaper article (or see this pdf) about Didier Roux (age 56 years, Bagnères-de-Luchon) and his wanderings around Coustouges to find the bordermarkers as part of his project to visit all esfr-bordermarkers. Indeed not an easy task over there. We got into contact and he wrote me how it all began in […]

A new update of my main website:

See for the update-details: It has been once again challenging and interesting trips in april and september 2023. Among others: with Corinne Gourgeonnet searching for the Croix de Malafrenor and the Bidaubus-crosses, 3-days of backpacking in the increasingly dry Eastern Pyrenees and with Carlos & Conchita Roca their first wild camping experience. Also digesting […]

Jean Marc did them all (and very fast)

Jean Marc Dumont was a new and promising star in our field and now he has already reached his zenith: on 4 september he did his very last bordermarker: bm602 (with a kayak). And he did them all astonishingly fast: in 3 years! I already introduced Jean Marc (aka Marko) in the previous post and […]

Another new kid on the block: Jean Marc Dumont

A tip from Corinne Gourgeonnet: Jean Marc Dumont, a young man of 64 who is also aspiring to do all esfr-markers. He once started as a co-walker along the bordermarkers and now continues on his own with impressive trips on his MTB or by foot. As a former air traffic controller, he retired at an […]

A new update of my main website:

See for the update-details: The ultimate highlight of last year was swimming to bm602: I have now visited every bordermarker at least twice with at least one year difference. Will that be a farewell to the Pyrenees? Not at all. There will always be a reason – at least for old times’ sake – […]

A new spring, a new bm-season

The weather is softening, the snow is melting and the days are getting longer. The time has come to plan new Pyrenees-trips along the bordermarkers. Who are the main players in the heroïc field of finding all esfr-markers? A list of the current 9 men/women who did them all, can be found on this page […]

I did all esfr-bordermarkers (twice!)

Today I swam to bm602, the last of the esfr-bordermarkers in a cave on the Mediterranean coast. Accessible only by boat or by swimming. I trained this summer in open water swimming and after a failed trial a few days ago, I succeeded today in good weather and a calm sea. And thanks to the […]

Bm602 conquered by the Roca-family

Carlos and Conchita Roca (website) are proceeding steadily on their quest to do all esfr-bordermarkers. They started in the eastern Pyrenees years ago; the only marker missing there was bm602. But yesterday bm602 was finally conquered: see their own story. Bm602 is a special one: in a cave along the Mediterranean coast, it is only […]